Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lemongrass Oil Can Promote Psychic Awareness And Purification

I was involved in the commercial farming planting lemon grass in Malaysia about three years ago. As I was retiring and had some saving from my 30 over years working for an airline, I though, why not, I am interesting in farming and the opportunities was open with the umbrella contract farming concept.

Basically the government under then , Abdullah Badawi, was steering a change from what we were under Mahathir. The infrastructure was set, with a group to take care of the processing the products and another group to produce the lemongrass to be processes by the plants.

Then when Abdullah was pressured to go, and the new Prime Minister is reverting to the drive, the like of Mahathir, the whole idea of contract farming was shelved.

We wanted to produce the original lemongrass oil for export, but we had to stop half way..

read about the benefits of lemongrass...

Plant Origin: India, Guatemala

Extraction Method: Steam distilled from leaves

Lemongrass therapeutic-grade essential oil has a strong, herbaceous and lemony scent. Lemongrass itself is a popular ingredient in Asian cooking, and just like the herb, lemongrass oil is bright, light and cheerful.

Therapeutic-grade essential oil of lemongrass is said to be an effective aid for mild depression, as it is a strong tonic for the nervous system. It is thought to be beneficial for getting rid of anger and other negative emotions. Lemongrass oil can also be quite soothing to the muscles and nerves. It is a wonderful addition to a bath when you need to calm and relax.

Lemongrass Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil is refreshing, rejuvenating, stimulating and balancing. It is said to be good for mental clarity, psychic awareness, to regenerate connective tissue and ligaments, and has been used in traditional Indian medicine to treat fever and infection.

Lemongrass oil is a popular addition to perfumes, though it is rather quick to evaporate. You can use it in your own blends for perfume or room sprays that will brighten your space and make you feel better as well.

Lemongrass is wonderful for blending with a whole range of other therapeutic-grade essential oils, including ylang ylang, rosemary, orange and lavender.

When using Lemongrass Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil on the skin, it is a great idea to dilute the oil in a carrier oil, such as olive oil before using, especially on sensitive skin like the face and neck. When taking lemongrass oil internally, a drop should be diluted in four ounces of rice or soy milk or another liquid.

Lemongrass Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil can also be used in hair care and body care products. It is thought to be helpful for reducing acne because of its antiseptic properties and is also helpful for oily skin. It may also be helpful for getting rid cellulite. If your hair is dry and lacking shine. Massaging lemongrass oil into your locks may help them look healthier.

Lemongrass oil is thought to be an immune system stimulant and a digestive tonic as well as an aid to the liver.

As with all other therapeutic-grade essential oils, take care not to get lemongrass oil into your eyes and make sure you wash and rinse your hands thoroughly before and after working with the oil. Do not use it near flames or sparks. Keep therapeutic-grade essential oils out of the reach of children


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Emma Sanford is a Registered Professional Nurse, Founder and Wellness Consultant of Good Health - Good Scents, a distributoship of chemical free edible wellness products, located in Atlatna Ga.

Ms. Sanford writes and publishes a FREE weekly ezine " Good Health -Good Scents Wellness Tools." Safe subscribe for a FREE copy. Visit, [http://www.goodhealth-goodscents.com] and http://www.ultimatewellness.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emma_Sanford

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