Showing posts with label growing lemongrass commercially. Show all posts
Showing posts with label growing lemongrass commercially. Show all posts

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How to Grow Lemon grass commercially


Lemongrass or scientifically known as Cymbopogon is a genus of more than 50 species of grasses. It is the native of warm tropical regions 0f Oceania and the Old World. It comes with different sizes, and slightly different scent and flavors.

Although there are many species, it can generally divided into two, edible and non-edible variety.

The names varies according to where you are. Commonly known as lemon grass, lemongrass, barbed wire grass, silky heads, citronella grass,cha de Dartigalongue, fever grass, Hierba Luisa or Gavati Chaha.

Growing Lemon grass commercially

Planting it on commercial scale is relatively easier than other short term plant. It does nor require much attention, except for the first month, when watering is required for the initial 7 days. It can grow effectively in almost any soil condition. It requires tropical weather with a lot of sunshine. Due the ease of growing, it had created high competition causing the drop in price.

The followings are the suggested steps to grow it on commercial basis:

1. Planning stage:

a. Viability study: This is when the decision is made whether to proceed with the project or not. Calculate your potential profit and loss and scheduled cash outflow. Calculate and secure the resources, the land, the capital, manpower, and equipments. Depending on the situation, the land preparation can be a lengthy process, if your are starting the farm at virgin jungle or forest. Add in the unknown variation to the cost and revenue.

b. Secure the market. As the cycle is about 6 months, securing buyers is the critical element of the project. You may like to sign up a contract farming vendors. However the contract farmers normally buy the product at a low price and impose a specified restriction such as you may have to buy the seedling and fertilizers from them.

c. Equip yourself with the necessary skills and knowledge. It will be a good idea to attend courses and seek advice from the agricultural authority. Although the process seem to be easy, however there is many factors and small processes that can effect the outputs and cost of the farm.

d. Familiarize with the list of suppliers of seedlings and equipments. They can be a source for information and advice.

e. Plan the detail of the project. The project can be divided into 4 steps.

i. Site preparation

ii. Planting and first month.

iii. Growing Stage

iv. Harvesting and Marketing.

2. Site preparation. Evaluate the site with an expert to check for suitability of the soil and the suitable fertilizers. Although lemongrass can be grown in a wide range of soil conditions, it would require specific treatment and fertilizing techniques for different soil type. This treatment can add up to the cost.

Synchronize the site preparation with the purchase of the seedlings. Planting is preferred to be done in the raining season, to reduce the need of watering. If you are planting in a dry session, you may require to build suitable sources of water. A well or dam and the related watering system may be required.

The site preparation can be as follows:

a. If is a virgin jungle, can may be able to sell some of the trees. Negotiate with the company that deal with timber and jungle clearance. Once the land is clear from the valuable trees, then the heavy machinery can be brought in to clear the trees. Take care not to remove the fertile top soil.

b. Leveling: It will be good to ensure the land is reasonably level. Any low patches will trap rain water. Lemongrass will not survive if the roots are covered by water for 24 hrs and more.

c. Depending the acidity of the soil, lime powder may be required. Spread it evenly before ploughing the land. Get expert advice on the soil treatment. Clear the land and plough is twice, the final is using the rotor.

3. Planting and first month. Planting can be done two weeks after the soil preparation stage. Three seedlings will be planted into each hole, aligned in grids of 4 feet by 3 feet. Insert the seedlings about 2 inches into the soil and firm up the soil. Water it immediately. The plants will need daily watering for 7 days. Then weekly round to replace the dead seedlings for the first month. After the first month, the replacement of the dead seedlings should stop.

At the end of first month, the first round of fertilizer will be applied. It is suggested, the urea fertilizer to be used for the first round and the second round at the end of second month.


1st day 30-40.......... urea

2nd day 60-70........... urea

3rd day 90-100......... npk 15/15

4. Growing Stage: Lemongrass does not require close attention while growing. Fertilize is monthly for first three month. Clear the weeds manually. It does not have natural enemies and insets do not attack the plant. It can withstand dry season, as it will catch the natural dews formed on its leaves at night.

Beside keeping the soils free from weeds, the other optional activity is to trim off the leaves. This will get the sunlight to the lower part of the plant and simulate growth of seedlings.

5. Harvesting and marketing: Harvesting is the most difficult and time consuming task as has to be done manually. Depending on the contract with the buyer, the lemongrass can be harvesting in 3 ways depending its usage. For oil extract, cut the leave about one foot from the ground. You can repeat this cycle monthly for 4 times (4 months). For seedlings, when harvesting, leave a small amount of roots and cutoff the leaves leaving about a foot length of the stalk. If it is to be marketed for consumption, the harvesting is similar to that for the seedlings except the roots have to be cut-off.

With proper planning and controlled implementation, growing lemongrass can be a profitable proposition. The demand for the product has increased as the Asian foods are widely accepted by the West.

The video shows the lemongrass 2 months after planting them. In this example, plastic sheet is used to cover the soil, its advantages are, it reduce the weeding efforts and it helps to maintain the moisture in the soil. Disadvantage, additional cost and extra amount of work.