Tom Yam Talay (Mixed Seafood Tom Yam)
Recipe by Amy Beh
Cuisine Thai • Recipes • Restaurants
Type of Dish Soups
Cooking Method Boil
8 freshwater prawns, shelled and deveined with tails intact or you can choose not to shell the prawns
150g sotong, cleaned and cut into pieces
2 blue crabs, cleaned and cut into halves
5 pieces red snapper fish meat
100g abalone mushrooms
6 cups chicken stock
20g galangal (lengkuas)
3 stalks lemon grass (serai)
12 cilipadi
3 roots Chinese parsley
4 tbsps chilli paste in oil (Nam Prik Pao)
6-8 kaffir lime leaves (daun limau purut)
1 tsp salt, or to taste
1-2 tbsp fish sauce (nampla)
3-4 tbsp lime juice
1 tbsp oil
2 tbsps Maggi chicken stock granules
Monosodium glutamate to taste
Chopped coriander leaves
Smash the galangal and lemon grass slightly. Put them in a pot, add the cilipadi, parsley roots and chicken stock. Bring to a boil and add nam prik pao and kaffir lime leaves. Simmer for 10 minutes.
Put in all the seafood ingredients and mushrooms and bring to a boil until the seafood is cooked. Add in seasoning to taste. Serve hot and garnish with coriander leaves.