Thursday, December 24, 2009

Lemongrass Training - Planting it

This is about the favourite lemongrass.
Dear friends,
In Marc 2008 I attended a week training focused on the planting of spices related plants. The plants covered in the course were: the lemongrass, kesum, bunga kantan, pokok curry and langkuas.
The areas covered were, planting it, harvesting, processing and marketing.
It was really a beneficial courses. I include the pictures to share with all of you.

The location of the training, a community hall
For the lectures

Training started in the classroom session
from a lical bank talking about project financing.

Followed by a field trip, a long walk in the blazing sun.

Looking at 2 month's old lemongrass.
the soil was tanah gambus

followed by a practical session, plant your own lemongrass.

3ft X 4 ft

demonstration on how to dispense the fertilizer.

a well kept lots
the fields of lemon grass

finally .... this is how it should be harvested.

I must say, it was a very fuitfull session, complete with the theory and practical. Fully exposed to lemongrass.

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